

11 Reasons to Consider Private Kindergarten at Primrose School at Five Forks

February 23, 2021

There are more options than public school for kindergarten. Here are some facts to conside about Primrose at Five Forks for your private Kindergarten search. 

  • Teacher Longevity: Mrs. Kase has 22 years teaching Kindergarten at Primrose School of Five Forks. 
  • Low Student to Teacher Ratio: Mrs. Kase is able to work more closely with small groups of students, tailoring their instruction to their individual needs with low student to teacher ratio of 1:14. Maximum Class Size: 16 students, reducing student to teacher ratio to 1:8 
  • School Calendar Year: We follow the Gwinnett County Public School year calendar. Our students will receive in-class instruction every day versus digital learning. 
  • Building Relationships: Our Primrose family takes pride in building and nurturing relationships with our students and families, building trust filled and loving relationships. 
  • Parent Communication: Daily communication about your child's day, including pictures and academic progress. 
  • Small Group Academic Instruction: Mrs. Kase is able to assess each child's approach to learning so she can provide more personalized guidance and academic goals. 
  • Building Independence and Leadership Skills: Children have the opportunity to develop independence and leadership skills because of the engaging curriculum and the smaller class size. 
  • Transition to Elementary School: Private Kindergarten gives a child the opportunity to grow, mature and gain the confidence to transition to elementary schools with a larger class size. 
  • Special Events: The special events at Primrose School of Five Forks allow the Kindergarten children to embrace childhood and share special moments with their classmates. 
  • Global Approach to Learning: Within the Primrose philosophy of celebrating diversity, Mrs. Kase prioritizes an approach to global learning and teaching an appreciation of the diverse cultures in our community and our world. 
  • Love of Learning: Mrs. Kase's love for teaching translates into a love of learning that stays with each child throughout their academic years. 

How to Reach Primrose School of Five Forks to schedule your free tour:

Address: 3030 River Rd SW Lawrenceville

Phone Number: (770) 985-0028
