
Free Square Dance Lessons Starting Thrusday

Every Thursday at Winder YMCA 7 pm to 9 pm

August 12, 2019

Growing up, my parents would go on a date night every week. I didn't realize exactly where they were going, but knew we would consistently have a babysitter come religiously every Friday night. What was so fun that they never missed a dance? Square dancing. All growing up, I knew about square dancing, and when I first moved back to Georgia and lived with my parents, they took us square dancing with them. How much fun, it is a blast and as often as we can, we try to still go to an occasional dance, unfortunately, work and young children get in our way of doing it as often as we would like. 

This is a picture of us with our first child, 9 years ago. Once we got pregnant with child number 2, we moved out of my parents house, and thus didn't have built in babysitters any longer, so we became more sporadic in our attendance, but we still love it. 

If you've been on the border wanting to try square dancing, just do it. There are children as young as 7 or 8 taking lessons. We plan on doing lessons with our children once our youngest is 7. It will become a family date night. Jug Tavern Squares in Winder is offering their yearly classes to learn to square dance. They are every Thursday except Thanksgiving and Christmas time from 7:00 until 9 pm. They meet at Winder YMCA. Your first three lessons are free and then by donation after that, so if money's tight, no worries, they will work with you. Square dancing also qualifies as a PE for homeschoolers. 

Check them out and tell them the Horlacher's sent you over.